Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Professional Feedback 2

I spoke with the owner of a small boutique franchise (Suburban Soul), Jessica, to get feedback on my working website.

She gave me a lot of really great insight not only about my page but also in regards to my résumé.

Here are the main points from her feedback:

  • Clean up the resume... take my address off, condense the bullet points for the lesser valued areas, put internship under experience, and everything else under "studies" to differentiate and make it clear to the employer, also make your volunteer work more pronounced 
  • Get creative with your front page... if you can't SHOW your work and make it make sense, tell the employers what you're going to do and what you're all about! 
  • Good, clean logo
  • Cohesive design - fonts, coloring.... it's all very simple but it works and eye catching
  • Tell them more about YOU in your about page... try to condense and don't overwhelm 
  • Link your social profiles! And really get going on your linked in page!